As you may or may not know, the web hosting industry has grown over ten folds in the last decade and still continues to be a rapidly growing industry. With many small and large brand hosting companies in the market, it has become a lucrative business to get into. When you start your own business, it would usually require a considerable amount of capital. However, when you start your own small hosting business with a reseller web hosting plan, you will only have to invest very little to start off. A reseller hosting service is what allows you to resell the hosting services you receive from another hosting company. Often times, large well known companies will offer the best reseller hosting plans, as they are reliable and come with a considerable amount of customer support.

Best Reseller Web Hosting

Hosting Company Monthly Fee
InMotion Hosting
Single Hop
A2 Hosting

Who is Best for Reseller Web Hosting?

There is not a major difference between shared hosting and reseller hosting, apart from the fact that you are reselling shared hosting services. When you are looking into purchasing reseller hosting services, you should think about a few decision making factors. Some people resort to reseller hosting in order to offset the cost of their own hosting service. A reseller hosting plan would also be useful for web design firms that design and sell websites. In this case, the reseller plan would help the company make extra re-occurring revenue by bundling a hosting package as well. Others may be looking into the idea of making money by running their own web hosting business. Leasing a server, hiring server administrators and having capital for hardware upgrades could be costly, so a reseller hosting plan is the best way to step into the hosting business.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Reseller Web Hosting

When choosing a reseller hosting company, you really need to consider their overall shared hosting service. If the company does not deliver on its promises or if the company has a fair amount of negative reviews, you should just look at other companies. You want to purchase a reseller web hosting service from a company that has a strong foundation and a knowledgeable support team. If you deal with one of the top web hosting companies in the industry, your clients will be dealing with one of the top companies as well. Now, as the reseller of these hosting services, you have the option of letting people know that you are a reseller or you could brand your own company.

Build Your Own Brand By Private Name Servers

When getting yourself a reseller hosting plan, you should consider getting private name servers, which would allow you to hide the fact that you are a reseller. If you provide the name server of the parent company to your clients, they will immediately know that you are a reseller. The best way to hide the fact that you are a reseller is by branding your own name on all your hosting channels, such as websites, advertising, name servers, etc.

Is Reseller Web Hosting Expensive to Start?

The price of reseller web hosting is not all that expensive either, simply because the competition in the market has increased by a great deal. However, some companies offer a ton of extras and keep the prices quite high. Since there are a ton of options to choose from, you should always compare and contrast the prices along with the features to make sure that you are getting a good deal. Just keep in mind that, even though prices are low, it does not mean that the level of service would be high. Always make sure that you are getting the right amount of features for the price you are paying.

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